Which Business Books Would You Re-Read?
Imagine that for one full year you could not read any business books you hadn’t read before… and that you were only allowed to read business books you had previously finished reading.
Which books would you re-read?
On my list, I think I’d have to include:
- One Simple Idea by Stephen Key (I’m currently re-reading this book)
- Great Leads by Michael Masterson and John Forde (I’m currently re-reading this book, too)
- The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss (I’ve read it twice)
- The 80/20 Principle by Richard Koch
- No B.S. Time Management for Entrepreneurs by Dan Kennedy (I’ve read it twice)
- Selling the Invisible by Harry Beckwith
- Purple Cow and All Marketers Are Liars by Seth Godin
- The 25 Best Time Management Tools & Techniques by Pamela Dodd and Doug Sundheim
Which business books would be on your list to re-read? Leave a comment and let me know.
Better yet, publish your list on your blog. Link to this post and send me an email at rhealy@gmail.com so I can link back to you.
Here’s Antone Roundy’s list of business books he’d re-read.
And here’s Elle’s list of business books she’d re-read.
-Ryan M. Healy