Success is an Ongoing Process NOT a One Time Event

Would you believe it? This week I surpassed the 600-post mark on this blog.

I started this blog in January 2008, about five and a half years ago. So that works out to roughly 109 posts a year.

Which reminds me…

Success is an ongoing process, not an event.

If you do one remarkable thing in your life, then it may be talked about for a few days or a week or a month. Probably not much longer than that.

Eventually, people will forget what you’ve done.

But if you continue in your calling and do many remarkable things during your lifetime, it can add up to something bigger, something memorable, something that lasts.

That’s why it’s so important to keep showing up… and… keep doing the work.

One day you’ll wake up and be amazed by how far you’ve come.

What is your body of work?

-Ryan M. Healy

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Ryan Healy

Ryan Healy is a freelance copywriter, list manager, and the author of Speed Writing for Nonfiction Writers. Since 2002, he has worked with scores of clients, including Agora Financial, Lombardi Publishing, and Contrarian Profits. He writes a popular blog about copywriting, advertising, and business growth, has been featured in publications like Feed Front magazine, and has been published on sites like,, and

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