Alexa Says My Site Is “Very Slow”

I’ve known for the past couple months that page load times on my site have been slowing down.

I don’t know if it’s because of the traffic, the number of pages on the site (about 400 now), or just crappy hosting.

Yesterday was TERRIBLE. It was taking 2-4 minutes for my site to pull up in my browser. That lasted all morning. Then around lunch time, the site stopped loading altogether. I kept getting 500 Internal Server Errors.

Extremely frustrating.

So I contacted GoDaddy’s support because this particular site is on GoDaddy hosting. (I have other hosting accounts with DreamHost, HostGator, and LiquidWeb.)

Their response was not helpful: “During our review of your account, we did not see any issue with the operational status of your hosting account and your site appears to be setup and accessible without issue.”

But even Alexa knows there’s a problem with my site. Check it out:

Average Load Time - Very Slow

Alexa says the average load time for is “Very Slow,” 3.182 seconds to be exact. GoDaddy says nothing is wrong.

Hmmm… methinks it’s time to move to a different hosting account.

-Ryan M. Healy

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Ryan Healy

Ryan Healy is a freelance copywriter, list manager, and the author of Speed Writing for Nonfiction Writers. Since 2002, he has worked with scores of clients, including Agora Financial, Lombardi Publishing, and Contrarian Profits. He writes a popular blog about copywriting, advertising, and business growth, has been featured in publications like Feed Front magazine, and has been published on sites like,, and

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