The Easiest Way to Boost Website Conversions

Internet business owners try all sorts of things to boost website conversions.

They try new headlines… new copy ideas… new web designs… new order buttons… new testimonials… new images… new videos… and so on.

All of these things are worth testing to boost conversions, but they take time, effort, and (sometimes) a significant investment in outsourced labor.

But what if it was easier than that?

What if you could improve your site’s conversions by 15-20% with a simple copy-and-paste addition to your web site?

Would you want to try it?

Most people who are serious about selling products on the Internet say yes.

After all, investing 10 minutes to boost conversions by 15% is a no-brainer.

Now, let me ask you another question: What if this copy-and-paste conversion booster was FREE?

Now would you want to try it?

Introducing the Easiest, Most Affordable Way to Boost Website Conversions…

HONESTe Seal - Click to verify before you buy!I’ve used the HONESTeOnline Web Seal for years to help improve conversions on my landing pages.

But I’m not the only one…

Mike Geary, the guy who runs (one of the best-selling sites on the web) uses it, too. In a split-test he ran, he got a 25% lift in conversions simply by displaying the HONESTeOnline Web Seal on his site.

After learning about the seal from me, Terry Dean tested it for himself. He concluded, “I’ve tested and proven that the little HonesteOnline logo has helped many of my product pages improve conversion.”

The bottom line is that the HONESTeOnline Web Seal really works. It has repeatedly and predictably improved website conversions by 15-20% when it’s been displayed on sales pages and checkout pages.

And here’s the best part…

For the first time in five years, you can now get the basic HONESTeOnline Web Seal for free.

All you have to do is opt-in with your first name and primary email address and you can start displaying the HONESTeOnline Web Seal on all your web sites and sales pages.

Click here to get the free HONESTeOnline Web Seal now.

-Ryan M. Healy

P.S. You can now display the basic version of the HONESTeOnline Web Seal for free. There is a “gold version” of the seal available should you choose to upgrade, but the basic seal is totally free. Try it here:

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Ryan Healy

Ryan Healy is a freelance copywriter, list manager, and the author of Speed Writing for Nonfiction Writers. Since 2002, he has worked with scores of clients, including Agora Financial, Lombardi Publishing, and Contrarian Profits. He writes a popular blog about copywriting, advertising, and business growth, has been featured in publications like Feed Front magazine, and has been published on sites like,, and

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